Free Shipping Available. This is the end to dirty hands while cleaning. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Contains Mop Press Profi with rollers and Floor Wiper Profi Micro Duo with 3-part handle.

Leifheit Profi Mop With Bucket and Rollers Set. Its dual-fibre wiper cover reaches into to the smallest recesses remove even stubborn dirt thoroughly from porous materials. This set includes a large cleaning mop and a mop press bucket.
It’s designed for cleaning larger areas with ease. It is particularly good for wooden floors because of the easily controlled moisture content. The steel-handle mop is lightweight and easy to steer.
Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Get set for spin mop at Argos. Same Day delivery days a week £3. New and Used Vehicles and Parts. Find Items from Every Automaker.
Inspired by Trending Stories. Lowest Prices on Top Items. Save Money with eBay Deals. Get it as soon as Tue, Aug 27. FREE Shipping by Amazon. More Buying Choices $33.

For over years we have been one of the leading suppliers of household goods in Europe and – true to our motto – are simply always better ideas. It works well with the Profi mop. The size is the only thing that I find a problem.
The Profi Floor Wiper has a long. The wheeled design is super and leaves less of a mess in the cleaned area than a traditional bucket. The mop and bucket work well together and the quality is first rate - as expected. Definitely worth it with the mop. Kentucky Ladybug mop bucket set - 1L pH neutral cleaner.

All with year guarantee. Mop ideální pro vytírání podlah bez namáčení rukou ve špinavé vodě a bez ohýbání za set se skládá z 8l vědra Compact a mopu Profi , vědro obsahuje ždímací část, díky které lze jednoduše ždímat návlek pomocí pákového efektu, úspora místa při skladování díky možnosti rozložení na dvě části a následnému vložení ždímací části do kbelíku. Buy and sell hassle free with Preloved! This advert is located in and around Uk. You only need to remove the mop head from the frame with your foot and place it in the wringer,.
Improve Your Business ROI - Get a Better Deal on Bulk Microfiber Mop Wholesalers. Mopy a úklidové soupravy) Hodnocení produktu: (recenzí). Upratovací set pre umývanie podláh bez kontaktu so špinavou vodou. Rotačný systém je novo umiestnený priamo v držadle.
Novú veľkú rotačnú komoru možno ľahko zasadiť do 20litrového vedra s dvoma držadlami. Practical, easy to handle and the ideal solution for the cleaning without bending down and without hands in the dirty water – Mop press Profi compact consists of a bucket with a compact top part for pressing, which can easily be operated by the leverage of the floor wiper. Se ždímacím košem, cm.
Set tyčového mopu a ždímacího kýble pro snadné a pohodlné vytírání jakéhokoli tvrdého povrchu.
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