All of the Smartex Range can be put on a wet horse after exercise or washing and the Stay-dry lining will wick away the moisture, dry your horse and the lining remain dry next to your horse’s skin. PLEASE NOTE: You may experience errors on our site when using Internet Explorer or lower. We hebben een grote traditie van baanbrekende intelligente paardendekens en ons assortiment omvat een grotere keuze aan hoogwaardige producten dan ooit tevoren. Bucas rugs range from 0g – 400g.

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Please open the website on a larger device to use the quick order functionality. The Smartex is suitable for a broader range of temperatures more than other rugs of similar weight. Free delivery on any UK order over £100.
We have a great tradition of pioneering “intelligent” horse rugs and our product range includes a greater choice of high performance products than ever before. The Stay-Dry lining offers perfect comfort and protection at both lower and higher temperatures than other rugs of similar weight. The rug can be put on a wet horse the same way as a sweat rug. Don’t mess with extra buckles and straps when removing or replacing a blanket.
The rug provides an attachment for a Combi Neck for added protection against the elements. Offering durability, strength and quality this particular rug has 300g of lightweight, yet incredibly warm insulation in-between two very advanced technical layers. Coronavirus Updates: We are safely operating - find out more here. It is suitable for a broader range of temperatures more than other rugs of similar weight. Regelmatig een kapotte of doorlekkende deken?
Deze ijzersterke deken kan tegen een stootje. In aanschaf wel wat duurder maar in gebruik veel goedkoper door zijn lange levensduur. Staat je paard veel buiten, misschien zelfs uur, dan zal deze deken je niet teleurstellen. Orders placed before 17:on work days are dispatched the same day.
Extra : Stay-Dry fleece och 3g thermobunden polyesterstoppning. Hele Smartex -udvalget kan lægges på en våd hest efter træning eller vask, hvorefter Stay-dry foringen vil transportere fugten væk, tørre hesten og foret vil forblive tørt ind mod hestens hud. Zelfs als de deken opgelegd.
J ak správně změřit koně pro výběr velikosti dek? This video is unavailable. Každá deka nesedí každému koni. Střih, vykrojení okolo krku a celkový tvar deky je ojedinělý u každého výrobce i modelu. Smartex rugs can be put on a wet horse after exercise or washing and the Stay-dry lining will wick away the moisture, dry your horse.
Je hoeft niet bang te zijn dat je deken kapot getrokken wordt door een ander paard. Voor deze dekens zijn nekdelen. Made with a polypropylene tough outer fabric and a silk feeling lining to prevent rubbing. A comfortable rug for your horse which covers a broad range of temperatures and are considered the most versatile turnout rugs available! The newly designed Smartex has a new patented front closure with Click’n Go front buckle and magnetic Snap-lock.
It is the perfect fit with shoulder darts and. Our top-quality products support a better experience, and improved performance for horse and rider.
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