Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free. There are also frequently asked questions, a product rating and feedback from users to enable you to optimally use your product. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us. The unit is fitted with tough casters so that it can be easily moved from room to room and a ducted exhaust hose to vent the hot air to the outside of the building. Easy to move, so you can put it anywhere you need to, and with a smart, stylish design, it cools and purifies, filtering airborne particles for cleaner air.

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Contenuti di terze parti sono anche utilizzati. Alcune informazioni potrebbero essere condivise anonimamente con partners. Electrolux käyttää evästeitä ja erilaisia seurantatekniikoita sivustomme optimointiin ja myynnin sekä markkinoinnin edistämiseen. Jos hyväksyt, käytämme evästeitä sivustomme ja palveluidemme parantamiseksi keräämällä ja raportoimalla tietoja nimettömästi ja turvallisesti. Myös kolmansien osapuolien sisältöä käytetään.
Electrolux anvender sig af brugen af cookies og forskellige tracking-teknologier for at optimere weboplevelsen samt i markedsførings henseende. Provide a clear and comprehensive description of the problem and your question. Manual Electrolux EXP09CN1W7. View the Electrolux EXP09CN1Wmanual for free or ask your question to other Electrolux EXP09CN1Wowners.
In this demonstration, we show you how you can easily install your AirFlower Air-Conditioner yourself in under seconds. It is quick and easy and you should be able to enjoy your new Electrolux.
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