Unlike generic cleaning polishers, scourers, brooms or other cleaners, the UltraMax set enables a smooth and fast cleaning process in all your rooms. The flat mop and bucket wringer work hand in hand and come as a set. This absorbent product lets you choose whether you want to use a wet floor mop or a dry one. Thanks to the large flat mop head it is ideal for cleaning larger hard floor areas.
Spray mops are perfect for use on tiles hardwood and laminate floors, and work by carrying a smaller amount of cleaning flui which is sprayed directly onto the floor in front of the mop head. UltraMax set BOX obsahuje Ultramax mop a kýbl se ždímacím košem s unikátním systémem ždímání. Díky velm Vyberte prvek na stránce, kterého se chyba týká Vážení zákazníci, prosíme vás o trpělivost, na včasném doručení objednávek ze všech sil pracujeme. Praktický set Ultramax obsahuje mop s vyměnitelným návlekem a kbelík se ždímacím mechanismem pro úklid bez namáčení rukou. Free Shipping Available.
The specially designed wringer enables you to wring more water out of the mop hea making it suitable for all hard floor types. ULTRAMAX system is advanced technology and convenience of use. The bucket is equipped with a specialist juicer. Squeezing and wringing the mop is possible without soiling and soaking your hands.
The mop pad can easily be attached with the push buttons onto your UltraMax or your 1-2-Spray Mop (neither mops are included). It consists of microfibres, which help to guarantee a quick particle and dirt pick-up as well as thoroughly cleaning away grease and dust. The Ultramax flat mop has a microfibre pa while t. Its PowerZone delivers scrubbing power that helps lift grime with minimal effort while keeping your hands nicely dry. Set v krabici obsahuje Ultramax mop a kýbl se ždímacím košem.
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Ultramat set BOX obsahuje Ultramax mop a vedro so žmýkacím košom s unikátnym systémom žmýkanie. Zložka z mikro aktívnych vlákien pohltí a zotrie všetku mastnotu a šmuhy. Vileda 1-Spray and Ultramax Mop REFILL. Efficient wringing can be completed by use of the foot pedal on the bucket. It also features microfibre for improved cleaning performance.
Length of mop handle 130cm. Box Office Mojo Find Movie Box Office Data: ComiXology Thousands of. Für Versand nach Deutschlan ben Sie bitte VILEDA Ultramax Set BOX. Magyarországra történő kiszállításért tekintse meg ezt a termékoldalt: VILEDA UltraMax készlet BOX.

JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Get set for vileda ultramax at Argos. Same Day delivery days a week £3. Featuring a microfibre mop head with distinct red strands for extra Particle pick up and a deep down clean, in fact it will remove 99. The complete set comes with a spinning mop and a foot activated rotating mop bucket.
It is great for mopping all hard floor surfaces including wood and laminate. No need to manually rotate and wring your mop after rinsing – the 360° spin system does the hard work for you!
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