Please read our updated Cookies Policy for information about which cookies we use and what information we collect on our site. It delivers full steam intensity out of two active areas including preconditionung steam. This powerful steam enables effective long stroke ironing. You attain a flawless finish quickly and comfortably. The triangular shaped steam zone of the precision tip easily removes toughest wrinkles in hard to reach areas.

The special Eloxal soleplate glides smoothly across all kinds of fabric, so your ironing takes less time. TexStyle irons stand for top-quality, smooth ironing on all kinds of clothes, right down to the finest details. The unique premium soleplates combined with an efficient steam rate guarantee reliable performance, easily removing all wrinkles from even the most sophisticated garments. Conceived and designed for durability, superb.
The ergonomically designed TexStyle TS525A has an open handle which is lighter than the TexStyle range. This allows for greater comfort and freedom of movement to make ironing an effortless pleasure, especially when you have a large amount of ironing to do. New and Used Vehicles and Parts. Free Shipping Available. Find Items from Every Automaker.
Inspired by Trending Stories. Lowest Prices on Top Items. Save Money with eBay Deals. Read all BRAUN TexStyle TS545SA Steam Iron reviews here: Read Full Review. Buying new Irons products, whether online or in-store takes a lot of research, finding the right product, at the right price, from the best retailer and one that delivers the best features and from a reputable brand.
Our unique forecasting algorithm looks at historic price trends and predicts the most likely price change over the next weeks. Na Heurece využíváme personalizaci a cílenou reklamu. Key Features The Unique Eloxal sole-plate smoothes perfectly and fast over all garments that you can ironed t-shirts in min. With the auto-off button, it switches off automatically after min.
A good iron for the money. If you want something exceptional then you need a bigger iron. However this is great for a small amount of ironing.
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Read BRAUN TexStyle TS545SA Steam Iron reviews from customers at Currys. Toggle SlidingBar Area. Disclaimer: Some of the links below are affiliate links, which means, that at no cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through a. The iron removes all the wrinkles and creases from your garments. Didysis Sandelio Valymas!
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