The strips are ideal for wall mounting objects and can be removed without a trace. Powerstrips Large are self-adhesive double-sided strips. Son magníficas para hacer pequeñas tareas de bricolaje en la casa y para aplicar ideas creativas a la decoración del hogar. They not only allow damage-free hanging without the need to drill holes. They also leave the option to remove the object anytime without having to worry about damaged tiles or ugly holes that need to be plastered up.

Removable double sided floor laying tape with strong PET cloth backing. Free Shipping Available. Check Out Top Brands on eBay. Fill Your Cart With Color today! Thanks to their waterproof adhesive technology, these strips can even be used for secure mounting in areas directly exposed to water.
They are an innovative, transparent, damage-free hanging solution especially developed for the unobtrusive attachment of objects. These small, double-sided adhesive strips replace nails, screws and tacks, and save your walls from holes and cracks. Our product range features a number of different mounting solutions for every. De voorwerpen hang je op zonder het oppervlak te beschadigen of gaten te hoeven boren. Zonder boren of gebruik van gereedschap.

Dobbeltklæbende strips fra Tesa , som kan anvendes på de fleste overflader. Kan eksempelvis anvendes til at fastgøre store og små genstande i hjemmet. Use them with any flat and. Du kan fastgøre op til kg tunge ting med dem uden at bore huller i væggen.
Tingene kan til enhver tid tages ned igen uden at efterlade synlige spor. They are designed specifically for the damage-free hanging of posters, charts or illustrations. These patented self-adhesive strips do not require any tools. Neither do you need to drill holes to securely hang up a shelf, rack, hook or any other suitable flat object.
The poster in your child’s room of their favourite pop star, the balance sheet chart in the conference. Buy Tesa powerstrips , adhesive hooks, insect nets, tapes and more. Tesa powerstrips Modeller og Byggesæt SPAR penge ved at sammenligne priser på modeller Læs anmeldelser og eksperttest Betal ikke for meget - Gør den bedste handel nu! You want to hang up seasonal decorations to prepare your home for those special days of festivity? You are planning a birthday party and want to create an atmosphere that everyone will enjoy?
Vi bruger cookies for at sikre, at vi kan give dig den bedst mulige oplevelse på vores hjemmeside. Ved at klikke videre accepterer du brug af cookies. But they are also ideal to mount typical technical installations, such as USB hubs, mains distribution outlets or routers. They are ideal for the removable mounting of flat objects weighing up to 1kg to most surfaces.

Der er en stor chance for, at du har haft et produkt fra den svenske virksomhed Tesa i hånden. Særligt hvis du har beskæftiget dig med malerarbejde. Tesa er nemlig en af verdens førende producenter af selvklæbende produkter, såsom Tesa malertape, Tesa tætningslister mv.
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