Morakniv knives: affordable and made to use. Order your knive online now! When a hunter or fisherman talks about their “ Mora” they are most probably referring to this model.
The plastic has an odd cracked-eggshell pattern that, while not particularly attractive, does function well as grip enhancement. The Swedish stainless steel is of the highest quality, hardened and treated in our factory in Mora, according to our secret company recipe. However, due to its age and not being in the direct spotlight, it has fallen off the radar for some people. Able to handle everything from fine carpentry work to cable scaling, which makes this knife a favorite among carpenters, electricians, construction workers and outdoorsmen and women.
Our outdoor knives are made for users who want the very best, and who know that quality is the very best for forays into the forest. Whether you’re looking for a scout knife for woodcarving with the kids, a fishing knife for your catch, or a bushcraft knife for your survival adventure, we have a model just for you. We’ve had the privilege of working with world-leading ambassadors in their. But also an all-in-one knife for outdoor buffs. This is a Trade Site only.
An excellent all-round blade with milled stainless profile Sandvik steel blade. High-quality knife with a profile-groun multifunctional blade as well as a patterne high-friction grip handle. It has a stainless steel blade to resist corrosion and a contoured rubberized grip for handling in wet conditions. Nože Mora majú vyše 3ročnú históriu za tento čas si našli veľa priaznivcov doma aj vo svete.
Na Heurece využíváme personalizaci a cílenou reklamu. Na základě vašeho chování na Heurece personalizujeme její obsah. Livré avec un étui en polymère avec attache en cuir. It has a patterned friction grip made of TPE rubber, making the handle safe and firm.
Also, the rubber means that the handle. Can one say that a knife can attain cult status? The camping axe features a 4. Inch Axe head of black epoxy-coated boron steel and a sturdy reinforced plastic handle. Each comes with a sheath. Mora Stainless steel options are ideally suited for marine, fishing, outdoor and construction applications, where knives see hard use and are commonly exposed to dirt and moisture.
That’s almost a century-long head start in front of Fallkniven, another well known Swedish blade maker. Molded polymer sheath included. Nůž vysoké kvality oblíbený outdoorovými nadšenci se používá také pro elektrikářské práce, ve stavebnictví, nebo tesařství.
Nůž vyniká profilově broušeným, multifunkčním ostřím a rukojetí potaženou protiskluzovým vzorem se záštitou proti poranění prstů. The palm-filling handle has safety orange composition trim and comes in a safety orange molded sheath with flexible leather strap and water drainage holes. Mora makes knives for different audiences, from labourers to bushcraft enthusiasts. Because of an unrivalled value for money, the Mora knives have been appreciated for a long time.
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Specifikace: -nůž se používá také jako prvotřídní pracovní dýka určená pro jemné.
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