čtvrtek 26. ledna 2017

Bezhlucna digestor

Anaerobic digestion is a sequence of processes by which microorganisms break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen. The process is used for industrial or domestic purposes to manage waste or to produce fuels. The anaerobic digestion of manure is the most common type of on farm anaerobic digestion , although there are an increasing number of on farm AD plants which also either grow and digest their own bio-energy crops, or import food waste, and other similar feed materials. Digestory - Recenzie odsávačov pár Recenzie digestorov vám pomôžu správne sa rozhodnúť a posúdiť udávané parametre, ktoré reklamy vždy prezentujú ako ideálne aj v prípadoch, keď tomu tak nie je. Výsuvný digestor : V prípade, že máte malú kuchyňu, je pre vás ideálnym riešením výsuvný digestor , ktorý nezaberie veľa miesta.

Je nenápadný, vysuniete ho, keď ho potrebujete, a zasuniete ho, keď ho nebudete využívať. Sací výkon tohto typu digestora je približne 7m3/hod. Digester definition is - one that digests or makes a digest. Recent Examples on the Web The ambition was to promote anaerobic digesters for cow manure among clusters of dairy farms across the United States.

NOFLEX Digestor has been used for several years in the commercial industrial work place to reduce sludge build up and control unwanted odours in waste treatment and holding systems on land as well as high efficiency treatment systems aboard marine entities such as the Coast Guard and Merchant Vessels. Noflex Digestor is an oxygen producing powder used to treat sludge and odor problems in marine and RV holding tanks. Use it on a regular basis for odor-free system maintenance. It also works great in home and cabin septic systems.

On contact with waste, Noflex Digestor liquifies sludge and neutralizes odors. This solves smell and solids build. Digestor synonyms, Digestor pronunciation, Digestor translation, English dictionary definition of Digestor. It is a similar process to that which takes place in the stomach of a cow.

Traditional Kjeldahl Digestion Units for nitrogen analysis and protein determination, with an aluminum heating block that offers an excellent thermal homogeneity, with a maximum working temperature of 450°C.

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